Developing hope for the future and thanks for the past have an impact on attitudes relating to happiness. But the experience of happiness is in the present; in the now. If our attention is captured by thoughts about the past or future we are less able to experience happiness right here and now in the present moment which is the only moment when we can fully experience deep joy and peace. These deep attributes of happiness are also from within. They are not caused by external circumstances, of having more of this or less of that. Perhaps to be happier we need to be more in touch with what we already have and re-examine our priorities. The world presents one message to us – of happiness being the result of something we can acquire in the future. Think about the opposite of happiness dwelling within you now and working to remove the barriers to it. 1) Meet others as if for the first time. This might sound odd but it will bring you into the present. When we meet people for the first time w...