
Showing posts from September, 2007

Individualism in Portillo

So its kind of a long story, but this week I have been fortunate enough to enjoy a couple of days off and as well as enjoying the celebration of Chile's independence 140 years ago and learning lots about South America's history I have also managed to come to Portillo and am staying in the lodge pictured above, whilst working on parallel turning and hanging out with Susan, a friend I met in one of the Santiago vineyard churches. So ski-ing is cool and i am totally glad i have come but i have to say i think i much prefer ski trips shared with friends cuz day to day life in a ski resort like portillo is pretty sad. Susan is quite ready for a break from working here in October, when ski season comes to an end and I can totally understand why. For instance today I met the only British guy here, who is basically in charge of avalanche management - if you can really manage them , he basically skis around the resort all day checking stuff is safe and he has been here for 11 years and...