
Showing posts from November, 2007

Unacknowledged lives five years on

America suffers an epidemic of suicides among traumatised army veterans This is really happening in the nation with the most provision and resources to help these men. And yet we seem to think that enforcing our nation's politics on others brings life and not death, equality and not inequality, health and not ill-health. This sad irony as in all of history is falling on innocent lives, how have we been allowed to be unaware/ignorant of these stats for so long, they have been swept under the rug just like all the other truths and real outcomes of the Iraqi war. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, or the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31

Our eyes see brighter colours; we dance to sweeter music;

we have been raised with Christ. AMEN - thanks

word of the day

woolgathering \WOOL-gath-(uh)-ring\, noun: Indulgence in idle daydreaming. I don't normally pay much attention to word of the day, as I have enough words to be attempting to lodge in my memory in medicine, but I was intrugued by today's word. Glad I looked it up, as I like it. Think I may try and drop it in conversation occasionally. The way this guy used it on word of the day website makes me smile. Similarly, in the meadow, if you laze too late into the fall, woolgathering, snow could fill your mouth.-- Edward Hoagland, "Earth's eye", Sierra , May 1999

a picture i liked

i just searched google images for a picture of 'morning' and it brought up this and i like it! so here it is.

morning glory

so today at 1236pm i am in bed enjoying a very long drawn out morning session, breakfast in bed was quite an indulgence, a read of the paper and a lovely long time to read and reflect before i get down to work - what more could one want? well the view of a gloriously golden glow of a tree, majestic in it's Autumn colours right outside my window, with a clear blue sky all around it is frankly more than a girl could wish for on a Saturday. looking forward to enjoying this weekend, just planning on catching up with work and cooking for lovely friends this evening which will be nice, already thinking about what music i want to listen to whilst cooking, a very important detail. recently i guess i have been thinking about how kind God really is to us, so incredibly kind. not only has he done a finished work, that means that i am seen by him in the light of JC's glory but he also continues to shine his spiritual beauty through nature, through the singing of birds in the morning, throu...


This one's for your Tristan!