morning glory
so today at 1236pm i am in bed enjoying a very long drawn out morning session, breakfast in bed was quite an indulgence, a read of the paper and a lovely long time to read and reflect before i get down to work - what more could one want? well the view of a gloriously golden glow of a tree, majestic in it's Autumn colours right outside my window, with a clear blue sky all around it is frankly more than a girl could wish for on a Saturday.
looking forward to enjoying this weekend, just planning on catching up with work and cooking for lovely friends this evening which will be nice, already thinking about what music i want to listen to whilst cooking, a very important detail.
recently i guess i have been thinking about how kind God really is to us, so incredibly kind. not only has he done a finished work, that means that i am seen by him in the light of JC's glory but he also continues to shine his spiritual beauty through nature, through the singing of birds in the morning, through the smell of fresh grapefruits, through the crunch of a juicy melon, through something we're all enjoying right now, super-cold mornings, the bluest skies and reds and oranges. he didn't have to delight us with such a display today, or any day, but he chose to, just like he chose to do the one thing that was most hard for him to do, he did it for the guilty (us) not the innocent! and delayed his return so we can share the loving, and even the trees dressing in red SHOUT of his glory - in the morning, at dusk and through the night when we're sleeping, cuz he is never asleep. think about that for a second , he NEVER sleeps! pretty awesome hey!?!!
looking forward to enjoying this weekend, just planning on catching up with work and cooking for lovely friends this evening which will be nice, already thinking about what music i want to listen to whilst cooking, a very important detail.
recently i guess i have been thinking about how kind God really is to us, so incredibly kind. not only has he done a finished work, that means that i am seen by him in the light of JC's glory but he also continues to shine his spiritual beauty through nature, through the singing of birds in the morning, through the smell of fresh grapefruits, through the crunch of a juicy melon, through something we're all enjoying right now, super-cold mornings, the bluest skies and reds and oranges. he didn't have to delight us with such a display today, or any day, but he chose to, just like he chose to do the one thing that was most hard for him to do, he did it for the guilty (us) not the innocent! and delayed his return so we can share the loving, and even the trees dressing in red SHOUT of his glory - in the morning, at dusk and through the night when we're sleeping, cuz he is never asleep. think about that for a second , he NEVER sleeps! pretty awesome hey!?!!