changing seasons

apologies for the recent absolute junk that has filled posts! have been feeling rather unable to express myself on here, even though it was initially so helpful for me to do so. i guess the initial phase of feeling rather open with my thoughts changed, into one in which i have felt really afraid and inhibited, and not in a place where i am happy about putting thoughts, that i haven't quite made sense of, in the big massive web - think there's probably enough people in it and stuck within to fill the void - at the mo and probably for a good few weeks i have little to contribute me thinks! doubt my dribble will be missed - so if i am back before spring has sprung be surprised! I certainly will. enjoy the crazy art.


Anonymous said…
your comments and expressions will be missed. i've never thought of unfinished thoughts as junk, rather as invitations to our co-learners to help you finish the thread. i love the way you write on here. M

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