03:48 I can't sleep; He never sleeps

So as the post title indicates it is late or early (?!) and I am wide awake! It seems that recently although I have been hitting the hay after midnight, I have been waking up for no apparent reason just a few hours later, anytime between 0200 and 0600.

So this morning I lay awake and decide to listen to some "Lifehouse" songs and ponder..... well its not hard to do friends - my diurnal clock is totally dead right now.

So as I do this, I think about Psalm 121, a favourite of mine, and one a good friend reminded me of in a text yesterday; I look up the following verse:

He who watches over Israel
never sleeps or slumbers
Psalm 121: 4
So God, He never sleeps, He never slumbers - what does He get up to then? Hmmm - ange, big thoughts - i know that's what you're thinking - err NOT! You are thinking ange - get back to bed and let God do His not sleeping thing - He does it so I don't have to I guess. But tonight, this morning I am quite happy to join him - it is in fact a rare moment for me to be in awe of Him; in awe of the fact that He never sleeps something I haven't really pondered before on a sleepless night.
Tonight the frustration of wakefulness disappears from my mind as I rest in His Spirit, His peace, His awesomeness. Somehow knowing that God never sleeps, excites me and makes me wonder if tomorrow He might infuse me with some of His unlimited resources in energy, concentration, wakefulness (?) - no longer am I worried that I will have an unproductive day with the books - He has all things in His hands, even in those wee small hours when I enjoy REM sleep producing these days some rather vivid dreams about finals (ugh!), He, the LORD keeps watch over me. This second as I experience wakefulness at 0412 and appreciate possibly for the first time that my Father is awake with me, and in 30mins when I hopefully will be unconscious; He will not be! He won't sleep, He won't slumber, for indeed, he who watches over Israel never sleeps or slumbers.
Thank you LORD that you never sleep so I can.


Esmeralda said…
Bless, medicine does strange things to us eh, I was just going to post that I am sleeping more than norm! Hehe.

Glad you enjoyed Psalm 121, Jan has shared it with me at various times this year and I'm enjoying much.

Sending you my love from down the ole Gloucester road.

Liz xx

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