5 down 2 to go...

It is 06:53am and I am almost done with my fifth night shift of seven and feeling good.

Its actually been a pleasure doing nights this week (astonishing I know) and in many ways I am kind of wishing it was not so long before my next run - day shifts seem so routine, and its easy to feel like you are on the treadmill of life, doing 9 t0 5 or 8 to 4 as I am. This week I feel like I have noticed God's grace in small and secret ways, been blessed with a peace as I have walked the empty corridors of the hospital from ward to ward and generally enjoyed myself. Of course my plain laziness and general love of bed means sleeping in the day hasn't been a big problem either.

Oh and how I was anticipating these 7 nights with a very real lack of delight...what a different experience to a night shift in a UK hospital. Don't worry I will spare the compare and contrast.


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