London town

After a rather lazy lie in till almost ten o'clock, some yummy Special-K with soya milk (sweeter than regular milk), Rachel's organic lemon and orange yoghurt (very, very rich, my treat at the weekend and healthier than pain au chocolat) followed by some internet shopping (brought some bargainous EMU boots, reduced by thirty quid - will probably have to return them, as they probably won't fit right but still exciting - I know I have an addiction here), I am about to pack for a short stay in London town with my lovely friend Liz. Having both graduated last June we've not managed to see each other all year, despite our great plans of quarterly weekends spent having spa treatments and I am excited about seeing her and hoping we will have a good dose of quality time together, we have so much to catch up on!
What I am not looking forward to is time spent on the london underground; pictured above the tube map makes my mind boggle and the gift of travel seems more like a burden when in the capital. Additionally being long in the face will inevitably result when I am faced with Londoners on the public transport system. I know why they always look so long in the face but I never get used to it and never manage to be a fresh breath of air by greeting their downcast expressions with a smile - I'll let you know if this changes today. Okay here goes ...... I'll do the tube and I'll do it with joy in my heart!