Mission to replace me
So as I am leaving my lovely house share in Sheffield next weekend my housemates are in the process of trying to find my replacement.
Although there are currently just 3 of them, it seems agreeing on a housemate of choice is proving rather difficult.
For example, tonight was a classic example. Like many nights in recent weeks someone came to meet us all, he'd already looked round on Monday and met housemate A and myself. I loved him. He has a phd and is working at Sheffield Uni, doing some absolutely fascinating research that is related to healthcare which is obviously going to float my boat. Difficult to please housemate A thought he was adorable on Monday and still does today - result! Normally easy to please housemate B on today's impression alone thought he was difficult to have conversation with and didn't offer a lot up of himself to chat about.... or something along those lines. Housemate C is normally indifferent and predictably was tonight.
Thankfully housemate A and I managed to persuade housemate B that having lots of extroverts in the house is not a good idea and having lovely phd, intellectual chappy would be ace as he seems like a lovely chap, a great conversationalist (if you fancy chatting about stuff that matters rather than what you read in grazia and which D-list celebrity is pregnant) and is well rounded; being a snow-boarder, surfer, motorbike rider and a doctor - and I mean the real kind of doctor, not my kind.
Anyway I am over it, I have given them my opinion knowing it doesn't count and accepted they are choosing my replacement and don't need to count me into the vote. However admittedly I would be very pleased if a man with an IQ that would get him into MENSA who rides his motorbike responsibly was filling my room (I sound like I fancy the guy?!!!) but I think I will have to let the most diverse, different, opposite ends of the spectrum of social types of housemates decide - what a gamble!
Picture totally unrelated but taken on my 25th bday (hence the 25 written in the sand) on a quiet beach in the Algarve last October.