A senior colleague described me as "feisty" today.
Feisty - 3 dictionary results
–adjective, feist⋅i⋅er, feist⋅i⋅est.
1. full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky; plucky: The champion is faced with
a feisty challenger.
2. ill-tempered; pugnacious.
3. troublesome; difficult: feisty legal problems.
Origin: 1895–1900, Americanism; feist + -y 1 Related forms:
feist⋅i⋅ly, adverb
feist⋅i⋅ness, noun
Feisty - 3 thesaurus results
Main Entry: feisty
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: spirited; touchy
Synonyms: active, alive, bubbly, courageous, difficult, enthusiastic, excitable, fiery, frisky, full of pep, game, gritty, gutsy, gutty, high-strung, hot-blooded, lively, mettlesome, ornery, peppy, quarrelsome, scrappy, sensitive, spunky, thin-skinned, tough, truculent, zestful
–adjective, feist⋅i⋅er, feist⋅i⋅est.
1. full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky; plucky: The champion is faced with
a feisty challenger.
2. ill-tempered; pugnacious.
3. troublesome; difficult: feisty legal problems.
Origin: 1895–1900, Americanism; feist + -y 1 Related forms:
feist⋅i⋅ly, adverb
feist⋅i⋅ness, noun
Feisty - 3 thesaurus results
Main Entry: feisty
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: spirited; touchy
Synonyms: active, alive, bubbly, courageous, difficult, enthusiastic, excitable, fiery, frisky, full of pep, game, gritty, gutsy, gutty, high-strung, hot-blooded, lively, mettlesome, ornery, peppy, quarrelsome, scrappy, sensitive, spunky, thin-skinned, tough, truculent, zestful
Courtesy of http://www.dictionary.com/
Having spent a little time remindng myself of this adjective's meaning I have thus decided she was paying me a compliment.