end of the week antics
this week i am studying from home for the most part which i am really thankful for, good to be able to get stuff down, but slow going though.

think i enjoyed sunday the most. caught up with some lovely old friends from bristol uni and christian union days at the hope and anchor where i consumed probably an entire lamb - or at least it felt that way, but their roasts are amazing, although don't think i have ever seen so much roast lamb. it brought back old memories of meeting there for sunday lunch occasionally and the opportunity to see a friend that i have not seen for probably 12 months was lush.

this weekend, was fun and full and it seems quite ironic that weekends get jam packed, so you almost need time to recover from them, rather than using the w/e to recover from the week (!) but i guess that is what happens when you have a week like mine. Studying from home (well for me anyways) is not exactly demanding in comparison to a week of business at hospital, so i have enjoyed my weekend and already making plans for the one to come.

friday evening was spent in and watching 'grey's anatomy' as i found series 2 at a bargain price and could not resist, and am currently working my way through. maybe it is a little sad that a medical student enjoys it so much, but it is such a great drama and you get to learn a little along the way, even if they do choose the most rare, obscure and dramatic medical cases to portray, i love it all the same, just need to find someone to love it with!
was good to get a bit more work done on saturday day and quite a bonus that the weather was miserable outside, so i was probably all the more productive inside. in the afternoon popped into see the lovely Hogg family (my old landlords) and saw their 3 lovely girls, who i do miss. they were getting excited about tree decorating, poor geoff's enthusiasm sadly didn't reflect there's. the tasks of a father he?
in the evening, i went to see a band called 'hard fi' in swindon with a friend. was a little bit nervous about going, not only because i was not sure if it would be my thing, but also because it is so long since i have been to a proper live gig like that. but upon entering the sports centre where it was due to be held, we soon realised that the band was playing literally in a sports hall, so it felt almost like being back at school. they obviously had a loyal following as all the crowd knew all the lyrics, and they knew how to pump them up - and i did enjoy it, as evidenced by me having one of their songs in my head this morning. back to bristol nipped into rose's 23rd birthday for the last few games of articulate and "the mummy" which i had not played before but involved vast amounts of loo roll.

carols by candlelight at the student carol service at Christchurch Clifton also was a step down memory lane, and very enjoyable hearing good old roger carswell communicate the hope of Christ at Christmas. bumping into old friends also made it a special evening.
so all in all, twas a restful and good end of the week. have a feeling that this christmas will be a good one.