Oh Mr Darcy!


Having wept through the latter stages of the 2005 (Keira Knightly/Matthew McFadden) version of Pride and Prejudice I have now made it my aim to visit the various stately homes featured in film versions of Jane Austen's classic novel.
Thus far I feel I have done so well, having already visited Chatsworth house once in September and again at Christmas. Chatsworth house is thought to be the original inspiration for Austen's creation of Pemberley - the humble abode of Mr. Darcy and it was also used for exterior scenes for Joe Wright's 2005 Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice.
So next on my list is Reinshaw Hall, Derbyshire - the setting for Pemberley in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice from 1980. This glorious black and white film was enjoyed by my elder sisters and I on many an occasion, Mrs Bennett is portrayed fantastically in this version, and it is through this version that I was introduced to P & P.
Lyme park, near Stockport in Cheshire was the setting for Pemberley House in the 6 hour epic version of Pride and Prejudice produced by the BBC (owned by me in video box set form of course) starring Jennifer Ehle and Collin Firth (1995). Many a girl has enjoyed this version, savouring it in its length (6 videos, and many episodes on the BBC) and Firth-like appeal.
So I feel Spring brings with it new exciting experiences and a time of stepping into the life of Elizabeth Bennett, at least in historic inspiration and beautiful and scenic location.