The importance of rest

This week has been timetabled as 'Easy week' and the name says it all. No Via days are scheduled in and its ours for rest, reflection and all that good stuff :-)

Being rather short on cash at the moment, I thought I had made the smart decision of accepting some extra shifts this week at the cafe where I work.

However, Sunday morning arrived and I realised I had acquired a lovely viral thing from my friend the previous night. Like a fool, I just assumed I wouldn't catch his horrible cold, cuz I am normally quite fortunate and his doctor wifey hadn't managed to get it even though he'd been ill and off work for a whole week! As a result I managed to have my hours reduced on monday (as I was a clumsy mess, and created many minature disasters all morning) and I now have the rest of the week off. It may seem a rather fatalistic view, but I do reckon that my acquisition of this horrible URTI was all down to God trying to tell me to bloomin well rest! And I was reminded of the following passage:

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength....."

The verse does not finish there, but continues....

".......but you would have none of it".

Isaiah 30:15

Despite my denial so far, I know I need time for repentance, and even time for rest. Its during those quiet times spent alone with him, that I can actually ponder the great work He did for us. From beginning to end, His was the plan of salvation, I did not earn the fact that I am saved, in any way. I hope I am beginning to learn how to value rest, and how it often leads to repentance because I have given myself the time to realise how sinful I am and how spotless he was and is. And most of all, how he did all the work on the cross. It really IS finished.


Anonymous said…
i love your blog. i really do--the way you have set out your thoughts, and it struck me it's a good time to re-read some of these thoughts!,they reflect interestingly on our conversation tonight. (this post in particular)

so i guess i'm the first commenter here, and even if i'm the only person who drops in to read this i sure hope you keep writing in it, for yourself far more than anyone else.

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