People are thirsty

I just got back from an amazing via day, God taught us so, so much. This afternoon we were out and about on Gloucester road seeking to bless people in some small way. I have to admit, I left Tom and Nic's feeling pretty apprehensive and feeling that I wouldn't know what to say to the recipients of our inexperienced attempts. But God had plans, and as Mark and I entered Somerfield with a ten pound note hoping to bless, Jesus had his hand on people before we even met them. Some were overwhelmed and intrigued, one lady was so thankful and accepted our gift with a smile. We prayed for her as we left, realising that sometimes we may just be a small link in a chain of God's work in someone's life. But what an honour it is to be that for him. The main thing I realised was that, people are dry, they're thirsty and they are often searching, asking the big questions. And on a quiet, wet October afternoon, they may be waiting for someone to show them some love, sometimes in a way they may never have encountered before. It may surprise them, but isn't that what God's about? He chose us, and he desires all to know him. And today I think I felt some of his heart for the people of Bristol. One woman was with her child, and her reaction to our gift was so beautiful. I'm sure God must be pleased with her for gratefully and freely accepting his gracious gift. I pray that this year, I'd learn more of God's heart by taking steps to have compassion on those who don't yet know him, thats my responsibility and honour right? Not only did he teach us new stuff, but he blessed us so many times over through what we did today, which was basically just joining in with what he is doing right now, every second. God you rock, you absolutely rock.


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