Children's Letters

Taken from Children's Letters Hample and Marshall

Dear God,
I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool.

Dear God
I don't every feel alone since I found out about you.

Dear God,
I am doing the best I can.

Adults don't often write stuff more profound than these kids. Recently I have been resonating with much of what a newly discovered (thank you to mark and martin) and already beloved band have to say about life and living. There name is Mutemath.
Here's a tiny taster for you taken from the song Chaos.
I know you stay true when my world is false.
Had a lovely visit from katie today who helped me set my blog up so that I can now easily get to all my friend's blogs. She has just got back from 2 months in Syria and was sharing with me her routine there and giving me a word picture of Damascus. It is amazing to me that it is now a predominantly Islam country despite being entirely Christian in Biblical times. It seems hard now to imagine Paul's conversion there, and his meeting and baptism by Ananias in Damascus (Katie has visited all these sites!) We chatted for a while and it made me realise how I miss her and am glad we can hook up and have a cha (for her), coffee (for me) and share, although that was only part one. Hopefully I will join her in celebrating the final, last, yes definitely the last stage of her PhD - after she verbally defends it on Friday at 11am - I am looking forward to that!
Earlier on today I got excited about the possibility of visiting Malawi to work with Chris Brookes, a doctor who I had planned to be assisting in Autumn 2006 before my plans changed 180 degrees. He started a clinic which has now become three clinics in Eastern Malawi. I emailed him today to ask if he would like to have me help him this summer, in between finals and my first job doctoring in the UK somewhere. I figure (I actually know) that this June I will be the most capable I have ever been as a medic and that coupled with the fact that my desire to go to Ngodzi and meet and work with Chris have never left me seem to me good reasons to make that vision a reality! I am just hoping he feels the same way and that he will be in the country as currently I believe he is still in Canada resourcing the clinic. Here's hoping!


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