Overcoming together

When I was in Chile, enjoying a short break on the Chilean side of the Andes ski-ing, I met one extra special ski-instructor. His name escapes me, but this guy taught people with physical disabilities to ski in Colorado. These disabilities included partial sight, limb amputations (sometimes of both). He also worked with a lot of injured men from the recent conflicts in Iraq.

Today on the timesonline website I watched this Video of such men overcoming the huge obstacles in their way, as they go through physical and emotional rehabilitation. The last few sentences of the article provided huge insight.

He goes on to recount how his American instructor had led him down the slalom course that morning. “If she’d gone wrong, I’d have gone wrong,” he says. “If she’d hit a post, I’d have hit a post. If she’d fallen, I’d have fallen. But we crossed the line together. That, in my opinion, sums up the special relationship.”

Taken from timesonline

In reading this I remembered the friend I met in Chile, who was overcoming huge obstacles in his own life. He was not a believer in Jesus, but certainly in God - it was an honour to hear him describe how he felt carrying these men down snow-covered mountains knowing their lives were dependent on his skill and familiarity with the runs. He took that responsibility incredibly seriously and I marvelled at the way he was glorifying God with his work, even though he himself may not have been fully aware of it.

Lord, remember him wherever he is now.


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