Eleven weeks

Today I realised that it has only been 11 weeks since I moved into my current home, with Helen in Horfield.

Definitely had my teething problems at the start and realised how stressful it can be to move house and also the responsibility that comes with owning a place - I am glad I don't have it. Also feel a bit like Helen's patience is wearing thin and that she might secretly be counting down the days till I am on placement in Taunton and therefore not around Monday to Friday. That sounds really awful that I would think that, but I know we have had a few hiccups including one today, which mortifyed me as much as it did Helen.

Unfortunatley in the last few weeks, the winter snap has resulted in the wooden front door expanding so a previous single pull of the door closed it quite firmly. Now, however it sticks. So a couple of times upon arriving into the house I have not shut the door completely because it has stuck. This has been okay (not of course ideal) because I have been in the house. However today I left the house thinking Helen was in, so I didn't double lock it. If I had turned round to do so, I would have noticed it had stuck and was not fully closed. Instead much to my dismay I returned home to a slightly irrate and frustrated Helen, who came home to a house with the door ajar and thoughts that it had been burgled - of course the fact that I did not do it on purpose is not going to give Helen peace of mind regarding the security of the house. And I have to admit, that rather than recognising that the door has been sticking, due to expansion of the wood has not yet led me to doubly check that the door is shut.

So...I guess both Helen and I are hoping that today's trauma will result in me doubly, triply, quadrulply checking that the door is closed, shut, inpenetrable to potential burglars!

The pressure's on ....

......and I feel it.


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