"How to treat a woman"
According to a man i have a lot of respect for.
One thing which really got to my heart was what he said about his calling:
My wife has been told many times that at any point, she is more important to me than “the dream.” Even if I think that dream is God’s will, or the next big step to our future, if my wife is not on board, she knows that she will always win. I can trust God to take care of the dream, if I take care of my wife.
Dan has been married twenty years so I think he speaks from a rock of experience that I can respect, we can use. God is gracious, marriage is his gift. Of course he wants it honoured above that big dream, why do we always get that mixed up. Thank you Dan Wilt for sharing your wisdom.
On another note, sadly in recent days i have been noticing a lot of these.......

.... dead christmas trees - i know they're out for recycling but surely there is a better solution to the annual worship of the decorated dead evergreen, only evergreen when still with roots guys!
best way i have witnessed is the way the dear hope family grow one in their garden and bring it inside every christmas, and let it out green as ever, round about now. well done guys! you are always an inspiration with this kinda stuff.
One thing which really got to my heart was what he said about his calling:
My wife has been told many times that at any point, she is more important to me than “the dream.” Even if I think that dream is God’s will, or the next big step to our future, if my wife is not on board, she knows that she will always win. I can trust God to take care of the dream, if I take care of my wife.
Dan has been married twenty years so I think he speaks from a rock of experience that I can respect, we can use. God is gracious, marriage is his gift. Of course he wants it honoured above that big dream, why do we always get that mixed up. Thank you Dan Wilt for sharing your wisdom.
On another note, sadly in recent days i have been noticing a lot of these.......
.... dead christmas trees - i know they're out for recycling but surely there is a better solution to the annual worship of the decorated dead evergreen, only evergreen when still with roots guys!
best way i have witnessed is the way the dear hope family grow one in their garden and bring it inside every christmas, and let it out green as ever, round about now. well done guys! you are always an inspiration with this kinda stuff.